• SOLD

Lago Vista Ranch Lot 32

Val Verde County


Lago Vista Ranch Lot 32 is a 102.5-acre property that sits within the greater 5,000- acre Lago Vista Ranch itself. Located in far eastern Val Verde County, this beautiful hunting and recreational property is best defined by its scenery and views. LVR Lot 32 is very diverse with about half of the property consisting of rolling, wooded bottomland and the other half climbing sharply 280 ft up a canyon to a plateau on top. A dry creek bed cuts through the land running north to south. There is a campsite situated up against a small hill with fantastic views looking out to the canyon and surrounding scenery. It is located roughly 30 minutes from the town of Del Rio and 20 minutes from Lake Amistad. There is a network of roads that are maintained by the Lago Vista Ranch POA. There is also a grazing lease in place that is operated by a tenant, which provides an Ag-Exemption for property owners.

WATER: There is no potable water on Lot 32. There is non-potable water that is piped in from a water storage tank that is for cattle and wildlife.

WILDLIFE: The Lago Vista Ranch has been known to have Whitetail, Aoudad, Axis, wild hogs,
predators, etc.

VEGETATION HABITAT and SOIL: The vegetation consists of various grasses to include Buffalograss, Sideoats Grama, Green Sprangletop, and Arizona Cottontop. Oak, Persimmon, Cedar and some Mesquite trees cover the property with a variety of other brush species mixed in. This provides excellent habitat for wildlife. The brush cover is moderate in the lower bottoms of the property with it gradually decreasing as elevation climbs to the top of the plateau, with it picking up again on the top. The elevations range from 1,640ft- 1,920ft. Shallow, rocky soils cover the entirety of the property with the exception of more gravelly soils closer to the dry creek beds.

IMPROVEMENTS: At the campsite there are 2 RVs in good condition with another being used for storage. There is a storage shed as well. These, along with all other deer blinds, feeders, items/equipment, will be conveyed with the sale as the property is turnkey. There is no electricity on site.

Contact Jon Cluck, Jr. at (210) 842-2935 for more information.


$ 199,000 | 102.5 acres